City of Albuquerque,
Sunport Terminal Apron Reconstruction Phase III
Contract Type – Prime Contract
Contact: Mike Provine, PE, Molzen Corbin, Project Engineer/Manager, (505)242-5700
Contract Amount: $3,881,216.76
Contract Date: December 17, 2015
Substantial Completion: October, 2016
Additional Work Completed: January, 2017
Project Scope:
Removal and Replacement of Critical Sunport Terminal Apron Surfacing.
Major Contract Items
•5200 sy - 10” Concrete Pavement
•14800 sy – 16.5” Concrete Pavement
•20,000 sy – Asphalt Base Course
•20,000 sy – 20” Subgrade Preparation
•Storm Drain System and Structures
•Removal / Dispose 20,000 sy Existing Concrete Pavement
•Contractor Quality Control Program
•Airfield Traffic Control Management
"I highly recommend VITAL for any project they are proposing for. They were able to overcome weather & subgrade issues, allow for continuous operations of our facility & still meet project schedule."
-James D. Hinde
Director of Aviation
City of Albuquerque